
Project Svanemølleholm

Nordhavn, Copenhagen | Analysis & Planning, Construction & Engineering, Infrastructure & Energy, Scanning & Measurement

Nykredit currently wishes to construct a new headquarters, and AP-Pension wishes to construct a domicile and a multi-tenant building. Together, the projects amount to a total of 50,000 m2. These mentioned constructions are located at Kalkbrænderiløbskaj. Additionally, By & Havn, in accordance with the master plan for Nordhavn, wishes to enable commercial construction along the east side of Sundkrogsgade. In total, the plans aim to enable up to 112,500 m2 of commercial construction as well as green areas including the "Kranparken" and two canals.


IN-SITU Consult has provided services within measurement technology and consulting, including noise and vibration measurement, as well as TIP, CSL, and PDA measurements. In total, around 150 PDA measurements have been conducted on-site.

Project period:

2019 - ?




Nordhavn, Copenhagen


AP Pension


MJ Eriksson


Støj og vibrationsmåling, samt TIP, CSL og PDA målinger. I alt er der på pladsen lavet omkring 150 PDA målinger