Geotechnics - Compaction control / Density measurement

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Compression control / Density measurement

We carry out traditional compaction checks of built-in fill layers consisting of both clay materials and sand/gravel, including materials containing crushed recycled concrete and asphalt layers.

The field measurements are carried out with an isotope probe of the Troxler brand, where IN-SITU Consult has 2 different models:

1. Model 3440: Used when measuring in fill layers and can perform

density measurement in layer thicknesses between 50 and 300 mm.

2. Model 4640 (Thin Layer Density Gauge): Used for measurement

of density of laid asphalt layers.



IN-SITU Consult does not have its own laboratory, but of course we also offer the performance of the laboratory-technical reference tests required to derive the final compaction degrees. These tests are carried out by one of our partners.

We recommend that the project requirement for the compression levels be determined based on the following reference tests:

MaterialReference test

Cohesive material (Clay layers)

Vibration tamping, VI

Frictional material (sand and gravel layers)

Standard Proctor, SP

Get a quote for compaction control / density measurement at In-Situ Consult
